Library OPAC

Sl. No Acc No Cat. No Subject Title Author1 Publisher Year of Publication Edition Location
3101 PSY148 Psy 643 Psychology Abnormal Psychology Dr. Rajeswari prasad Sinha Bharati Bhawan 2009 3rd AL53G
3102 PSY149 Psy365 Psychology Experiment in Psychology S.M.Moshin Motilal Banarshi Das 1975 4th AL53G
3103 PSY150 Psy 720 Psychology Wyavharic manovigyan Akhilesh Shriwastaw Arjun Publication Hause 2013 1st AL53G
3104 PSY151 Psy 377 Psychology Developmental Psychology Alijabeth B. Halauk Hindi Madhyam karjaylay 1967 2nd AL53G
3105 PSY152 Psy 713 Psychology Bhartiya Manovigyan Aur Pratyaksha gyan Dr. Laxmi Rani Samiksha Prakasan 2009 1st AL53G
3106 PSY153 Psy 727 Psychology Theories And Principles of Psychology Dr. manju Singh Samiksha Prakasan 2002 1st AL53G
3107 PSY154 Psy 503 Psychology Funmentals of Statics Muhamad Sulaiman Sukla book Dipo 2001 1st AL53G
3108 PSY155 Psy 512 Psychology Research Methods Dr. D. N. Shriwastaw Sahitya Prakasan 2001 1st AL53G
3109 PSY156 Psy 540 Psychology Research Methods Dr. D. N. Shriwastaw Sahitya Prakasan 2001 1st AL53G
3110 PSY157 Psy 636 Psychology Advanced Education Psychology Arun Kumar Singh Motilal Banarshi Das 2001 3rd AL53G
3111 PSY158 Psy 497 Psychology Abnormal PsychologyAnd Modern Life Dr. Ramchandra Singh Novelty And Company 1999 1st AL53G
3112 PSY159 Psy 648 Psychology Resarch Medhods in Psychology Socialogy and Education Muhamad Sulaiman General Book Agengy 2007 2nd AL53G
3113 PSY160 Psy 242 Psychology Education psychology Dr.S.S. Mathur Vinod Pustak Mandir 1983 1st AL53G
3114 PSY161 Psy 2 Psychology Experiment in Psychology An Education Benton J. Underwood The time of India Press 1968 1st AL53G
3115 PSY162 Psy 267 Psychology Education psychology Dr. Krishna kumar Jamuapar Bihar Hindi Granth Akadmi 1972 1st AL53G
3116 PSY163 Psy 718 Psychology Comnication in Adoption of Family Planning programe Saroj Singh Samiksha Prakasan 2007 2nd AL53G
3117 PSY164 Psy 363 Psychology Medhods in Social Research William J.Goode Mcgraw hill Book Company 1981 1st AL53G
3118 PSY165 Psy 417 Psychology Social Psychology and statics Dr.Raveendra Nath Mukharjee Vivek Prakasan 1969 9th AL53G
3119 PSY166 Psy 126 Psychology Premchandrotar Hindi Upnyas Aur Yaun ManoVigyan Dr. Kumar Virendra Kinjal Prakasan 1981 1st AL53G
3120 PSY167 Psy 561 Psychology Saral Samanya Manovigyan Arun Kumar Singh Motilal Banarshi Das 1994 4th AL53H
3121 PSY168 Psy 716 Psychology Parichyatmak Manovigyan Akhilesh Shriwastaw Arjun Publication Hause 2013 1st AL53H
3122 PSY169 Psy 130 Psychology Premchandrotar Hindi Upnyas Aur Yaun ManoVigyan Dr. Kumar Virendra Kinjal Prakasan 1981 1st AL53H
3123 PSY170 Psy 6 Psychology The Psychology of Abnormal Behavior J.F.Brown Erasiya Publicsing house 1969 1st AL53H
3124 PSY171 Psy 577 Psychology Introduction to Psychology C.T.Margan Bihar Hindi Granth Akadmi 2001 2nd AL53H
3125 PSY172 Psy 335 Psychology Psychology Its study and Uses Louis H. Janda St. Marthin Press 1982 1st AL53H
3126 PSY173 Psy 50 Psychology Normal Psychology Ramprasad Pandey Rajkamal Prakasan 1980 1st AL53H
3127 PSY174 Psy 42 Psychology You and Your Heart H.M.Marvin A Single Book Publisers 1953 1st AL53H
3128 PSY175 Psy 435 Psychology Resarch Medhods in Psychology Prof. M.A. Hakim Vinod Pustak Mandir 1984 2nd AL53H
3129 PSY176 Psy 654 Psychology Resarch Medhods in Psychology Socialogy and Education Muhamad Sulaiman General Book Agengy 2007 4th AL53H
3130 PSY177 Psy 121 Psychology sychology Experiment and testing Dr. Laxmi Sing Novelty And Company 1971 5th AL53H
3131 PSY178 Psy 44 Psychology The Personalty of man C.N.M.Tyrrell Penguin Books 1968 1st AL53H
3132 PSY179 Psy 230 Psychology Samaj Manovigyan Vishay Aur Wyakhya ArjiMurhaman Motilal Banarshi Das 1678 2nd AL53H
3133 PSY180 Psy 93 Psychology Manovigyan Aur Shiksha Me Sankhikhi Gyanendra Prasad Shiwastaw Bharati Bhawan 1977 1st AL53H
3134 PSY181 Psy 3 Psychology Elementary Statics in Psychology And Education Dr. Shamsad Husain Motilal Banarshi Das 1963 3th AL53H
3135 PSY182 Psy 160 Psychology Experiment and testing In Psychology Dr. Arun Kumar Singh Bharati Bhawan 1985 3rd AL53H
3136 PSY183 Psy 53 Psychology Education psychology Dr.Uday Pratap Singh Bharati Bhawan 1971 4th AL53H
3137 PSY184 Psy 717 Psychology Encyclopadia of World great Educational Psycholosist Dr. Sujeet Kr Dubey R.k. Publisers And Distributors 2012 1st AL53H
3138 PSY185 Psy 187 Psychology Pschology Sochology And Education Dr. Arun Kumar Singh Novelty And Company 1676 8th AL53H
3139 PSY186 Psy 159 Psychology Experiment and testing In Psychology Dr. Arun Kumar Singh Bharati Bhawan 1985 2nd AL53H
3140 PSY187 Psy 269 Psychology Education psychology Dr. Krishna kumar Jamuapar Bharati Bhawan 1972 1st AL53H
3141 PSY188 Psy 650 Psychology Research Methods In Psychology Socialogy and Education Muhamad Sulaiman General Book Agengy 2007 4th AL53H
3142 PSY189 Psy 1 Psychology Pschology Dr. Benjamin Khan Lok bharati Prakasan 1970 2nd AL53H
3143 PSY190 Psy 255 Psychology Psychology Sociology And Education in statics Dr. Arun Kumar Singh Novelty And Company 1968 8th AL53H
3144 PSY091 Psy 191 Psychology Psychology Soclology and Eduction In Statics Dr.Arun Kumar Singh Novelty And Company 1976 4th AL53E
3145 PSY092 Psy 375 Psychology Psychology Soclology and Eduction In Statics Dr.Laxmi Singh Novelty And Company 1991 6th AL53E
3146 PSY093 Psy 461 Psychology Psychology Soclology and Eduction In Statics Dr.Laxmi Singh Novelty And Company 1971 8th AL53E
3147 PSY094 Psy 460 Psychology Psychology Soclology and Eduction In Statics Dr.Laxmi Singh Novelty And Company 1971 8th AL53E
3148 PSY095 Psy 458 Psychology Psychology Soclology and Eduction In Statics Dr.Laxmi Singh Novelty And Company 1971 8th AL53E
3149 PSY096 Psy 457 Psychology Psychology Soclology and Eduction In Statics Dr.Laxmi Singh Novelty And Company 1971 8th AL53E
3150 PSY097 Psy 468 Psychology Psychology Experimemts And testing Dr.Laxmi Singh Novelty And Company 1996 1st AL53F
3151 PSY098 Psy 469 Psychology Psychology Experimemts And testing Dr.Laxmi Singh Novelty And Company 1996 1st AL53F
3152 PSY099 Psy 693 Psychology Manovigyan me Prayog and testing Dr.Muhamad Suleman Motilal Banarshi Das 2001 3rd AL53F
3153 PSY100 Psy 633 Psychology The History And system of psychology Dr. Arun Kumar Singh Motilal Banarshi Das 1994 4th AL53F
3154 PSY101 Psy 583 Psychology The History And system of psychology Dr. Arun Kumar Singh Motilal Banarshi Das 2003 5th AL53F
3155 PSY102 Psy 725 Psychology A Cast study of Malnutrited Children Prevetive Steps of The bihsr Govarnment Dr.Mashulika Kumari Sanskriti Prakasan 2012 1st AL53F
3156 PSY103 Psy 726 Psychology A Cast study of Malnutrited Children Prevetive Steps of The bihsr Govarnment Dr.Mashulika Kumari Sanskriti Prakasan 2012 1st AL53F
3157 PSY104 Psy 133 Psychology Concept of the Pschology of sex and its analsis Dr. Kumar Virendra Kinjal Prakasan 1st AL53F
3158 PSY105 Psy 132 Psychology Concept of the Pschology of sex and its analsis Dr. Kumar Virendra Kinjal Prakasan 1st AL53F
3159 PSY106 Psy 433 Psychology Advanced Psychology Experiment And Testing Arun Kumar Singh Bharati Bhawan 1992 1st AL53F
3160 PSY107 Psy 549 Psychology Developmental Psychology dr. ram nath sharma surjet prakashan 1st AL53F
3161 PSY108 Psy 712 Psychology Developmental Psychology dr.rajendra Prasad sing Motilal Banarshi Das 2001 1st AL53F
3162 PSY109 Psy 581 Psychology Modarn General Psychology Arun Kumar Singh Motilal Banarshi Das 2001 4th AL53F
3163 PSY110 Psy 586 Psychology Modarn General Psychology Dr.Kaji Gaus Aalm Motilal Banarshi Das 1993 3rd AL53F
3164 PSY111 Psy 588 Psychology Modarn General Psychology Dr.Kaji Gaus Aalm Motilal Banarshi Das 1993 3rd AL53F
3165 PSY112 Psy 612 Psychology Cognitive Psychology Dr.Ramjee Shriwastaw Motilal Banarshi Das 2003 2nd AL53F
3166 PSY113 Psy 613 Psychology Cognitive Psychology Dr.Ramjee Shriwastaw Motilal Banarshi Das 2003 2nd AL53F
3167 PSY114 Psy 641 Psychology Udhyog And Sangathan Manovigyan Sidhant Aur Samikhha Dr.Dinesh Chandra Kochar Bihar Hindi Granth Akadmi 2008 8th AL53F
3168 PSY115 Psy 621 Psychology Udhyog And Sangathan Manovigyan Sidhant Aur Samikhha Dr.Dinesh Chandra Kochar Bihar Hindi Granth Akadmi 2008 8th AL53F
3169 PSY116 Psy 462 Psychology Udhyog And Sangathan Manovigyan Sidhant Aur Samikhha Dr.Dinesh Chandra Kochar Bihar Hindi Granth Akadmi 1996 4th AL53F
3170 PSY117 Psy 539 Psychology History of Psychology Dr.R.K.Ojha Sahitya Prakasan 1999 5th AL53F
3171 PSY118 Psy 507 Psychology History of Psychology Dr.R.K.Ojha Sahitya Prakasan 1999 5th AL53F
3172 PSY119 Psy 678 Psychology Modarn Clinical Psychology Dr. Muhamad Suleman General Book Agengy 2010 4th AL53F
3173 PSY120 Psy 555 Psychology The History And system of psychology Arun Kumar Singh Motilal Banarshi Das 1994 5th AL53F
3174 PSY121 Psy 589 Psychology The History And system of psychology ArjiMurhaman Motilal Banarshi Das 1992 3rd AL53F
3175 PSY122 Psy 433 Psychology System and Theory of Psychology Dr.J.D.Sharma Vinod Pustak Mandir 1991 1st AL53F
3176 PSY123 Psy 533 Psychology Simple statics in Psychology and Education Dr. Gopal Krishna Makhija laxmi Narayan Agrawal 1990 1st AL53F
3177 PSY124 Psy 528 Psychology Social Psychology Dr.D.N.Sriwastaw Sahitya Prakasan 2201 1st AL53F
3178 PSY125 Psy 531 Psychology Education psychology Prof. B.N.Sharma Sahitya Prakasan 2001 1st AL53F
3179 PSY126 Psy 508 Psychology Simple statics in Psychology and Education Dr.Gopal Krishna Makhija laxmi Narayan Agrawal 2000 1st AL53F
3180 PSY127 Psy 634 Psychology Research Methods In Psychology Socialogy and Education Arun Kumar Singh Motilal Banarshi Das 1992 7th AL53F
3181 PSY128 Psy 496 Psychology Psychology Soclology and Eduction In Statics Arun Kumar Singh Novelty And Company 2010 10th AL53F
3182 PSY129 Psy 629 Psychology Psychology Soclology Education And other Social Science Dr.Muhamad Suleman Motilal Banarshi Das 2001 1st AL53G
3183 PSY130 Psy 574 Psychology Udhyog And Sangathan Manovigyan Sidhant Aur Samikhha Dr.Dinesh Chandra Kochar Bihar Hindi Granth Akadmi 2003 9th AL53G
3184 PSY131 Psy 578 Psychology Social Psychology Dr.Jadish Chandra Rathaur Vivek Prakasan 1990 3rd AL53G
3185 PSY132 Psy 392 Psychology Psychology for Teachers David Fotana Great Britain 1st AL53G
3186 PSY133 Psy 336 Psychology The Child Devlopment From Brith Though Adolescence Judith Rich Harris Prentic Hall inc 1st AL53G
3187 PSY134 Psy 386 Psychology Aadhunic Manovigyan ki Atihasik Pristbhumi Dr. jai Prakash Madhpradesh Hindi granth Akadmi 1973 3dr AL53G
3188 PSY135 Psy 443 Psychology Manovigyan Samajsastra tha Shikhsa Me Sodh Vidhiya Arun Kumar Singh Motilal Banarshi Das 1992 1st AL53G
3189 PSY136 Psy 384 Psychology Vikash manovigyan Alijabeth B. Halauk Hindi Madhyam karjaylay 1967 1st AL53G
3190 PSY137 Psy 44 Psychology Aadhunic Vikashatmak Manovigyan Dr. Mahendra Prasad jaiswal Bharati Bhawan 1982 1st AL53G
3191 PSY138 Psy 510 Psychology Education psychology Prof. B.N.Sharma Sahitya Prakasan 1996 2nd AL53G
3192 PSY139 Psy 203 Psychology Intermidiat Vikastmak Ttha Samaj Manovigyan Dr. Arun Kumar Singh Novelty And Company 1986 1st AL53G
3193 PSY140 Psy 721 Psychology Need Structure And Punitivenuss Dr. Raman Samiksha Prakasan 2007 1st AL53G
3194 PSY041 Psy 355 Psychology Psychology Soclology and Eduction In Statics Dr.Arun Kumar Singh Novelty And Company 1996 1st AL53D
3195 PSY042 Psy 233 Psychology Psychology Experimemts And testing Dr.Laxmi Singh Novelty And Company 1991 1st AL53D
3196 PSY043 Psy 358 Psychology Psychology Experimemts And testing Dr.Laxmi Singh Novelty And Company 1991 1st AL53D
3197 PSY044 Psy 232 Psychology Psychology Experimemts And testing Dr.Laxmi Singh Novelty And Company 1991 1st AL53D
3198 PSY045 Psy 181 Psychology Psychology Experimemts And testing Dr.Laxmi Singh Novelty And Company 1991 1st AL53D
3199 PSY046 Psy 178 Psychology Psychology Experimemts And testing Dr.Laxmi Singh Novelty And Company 1991 1st AL53D
3200 PSY047 Psy 184 Psychology Psychology Experimemts And testing Dr.Laxmi Singh Novelty And Company 1991 1st AL53D