Library OPAC

Sl. No Acc No Cat. No Subject Title Author1 Publisher Year of Publication Edition Location
3501 POLSC632 pol sc 245 Political Science Aadhunik Visva ki Pramukhaya Shasan Pranaliya Prof.D.N.Gaind Ratan Prakashan Mandir 1684 2nd Edition AL60D
3502 POLSC633 pol sc 271 Political Science Public Administration R.L.Singh Ratan Prakashan Mandir 1966 1st Edition AL60D
3503 POLSC634 pol sc 335 Political Science The Annual Register of Indian Poltical Parties Abdul Moid Zaidi S.chandra and Company 1982 1st Edition AL60D
3504 POLSC635 pol sc 333 Political Science The Annual Register of Indian Poltical Parties Abdul Moid Zaidi S.chandra and Company 1982 1st Edition AL60D
3505 POLSC636 pol sc 320 Political Science The Annual Register of Indian Poltical Parties Abdul Moid Zaidi S.chandra and Company 1982 1st Edition AL60D
3506 POLSC637 pol sc 2 Political Science Select Consitition Anup Chandra Kkapur S.chandra and Company 1980 2st Edition AL60D
3507 POLSC638 pol sc 1 Political Science Select Consitition Anup Chandra Kkapur S.chandra and Company 1980 2st Edition AL60D
3508 POLSC639 pol sc 448 Political Science Do Satabdiyo Do Lok Chinmohan Sehanvish Kitab Manch 1982 2st Edition AL60D
3509 POLSC640 pol sc 125 Political Science Jawadi Chine ka savidhan S.N.Singh Manisha 1975 2nd Edition AL60D
3510 POLSC641 pol sc 114 Political Science Local Self Government in india Dr.Birkswar Prasad Singh Rekha Prakashan 1993 2nd Edition AL60D
3511 POLSC642 pol sc 47 Political Science Links of a Golden Chain P.Gopinath Menon Soviet Land Booklets 1975 2nd Edition AL60D
3512 POLSC643 pol sc 261 Political Science Moderan Poltica Ideologies Dr.L.Singh Ratan Prakashan Mandir 1984 2nd Edition AL60D
3513 POLSC644 pol sc 128 Political Science Visswa ke Pramukh Sanvidhan Harihar Prasad Ray Bharati Bhawan 1976 2nd Edition AL60D
3514 POLSC645 pol sc 473 Political Science Karl Marks Fredrik Angelas Kamnust Parti ka Ghoshnapatra Fredrik Angelas Pipuls Publications Hous PVT.LTD 1676 2nd Edition AL60E
3515 POLSC646 pol sc 417 Political Science Do Satabdiyo Do Lok Chinmohan Sehanvish Kitab Manch 1982 2nd Edition AL60E
3516 POLSC647 pol sc 486 Political Science Do Satabdiyo Do Lok Chinmohan Sehanvish Kitab Manch 1982 2nd Edition AL60E
3517 POLSC648 pol sc 490 Political Science Do Satabdiyo Do Lok Chinmohan Sehanvish Kitab Manch 1982 2nd Edition AL60E
3518 POLSC649 pol sc 294 Political Science Main Constitutions Of The World D.N.Gaind Ratan Prakashan Mandir 1980 2nd Edition AL60E
3519 POLSC650 pol sc 537 Political Science Foreingn Policy in World Politics Roy C.Macridis Press Reports 1980 2st Edition AL60E
3520 POLSC651 pol sc 469 Political Science Fredrik Angelas Pariwar Niji sampati Aur Rajya Rajya ki Utpati Roy C.Macridis Pipuls Publications Hous PVT.LTD 1674 2st Edition AL60E
3521 POLSC652 pol sc 425 Political Science Antrastriya sanghan Gandhi Ray Janki Prakashan 1984 2st Edition AL60E
3522 POLSC653 pol sc 172 Political Science Pakistan islamic Bomb MajGen Vikash Publishing 1979 2nd Edition AL60E
3523 POLSC654 Pol sc 91 Political Science The Constitution of the people Repblic of China Dr.Birkswar Prasad Singh Gyandra Prakashan 1977 2nd Edition AL60E
3524 POLSC655 pol sc 297 Political Science Main Constitutions Of The World D.N.Gaind Ratan Prakashan Mandir 1957 2nd Edition AL60E
3525 POLSC656 pol sc 351 Political Science Anglo Japanese Relations R.P.Dua S.chandra and Company 1980 2nd Edition AL60E
3526 POLSC657 pol sc 343 Political Science An Alternative Policy for India J.A.Naik S.chandra and Company 1976 2nd Edition AL60E
3527 POLSC658 pol sc 256 Political Science Aadhunik Visva ki Pramukhaya Shasan Pranaliya Prof.D.N.Gaind Ratan Prakashan Mandir 1645 4th Edition AL60E
3528 POLSC659 pol sc 406 Political Science Relavence Of Gandhism Dr.Guru Prasad Chaudhary Capital Publishing House 1985 1st Edition AL60E
3529 POLSC660 pol sc 3 Political Science Bhartiya savidhan and shasan Dr.Birkswar Prasad Singh Gyandra Prakashan 1967 10th Edition AL60E
3530 POLSC661 pol sc 157 Political Science Nepal Ka Sambandh Dr.Birkswar Prasad Singh Gyandra Prakashan 1980 2nd Edition AL60E
3531 POLSC662 pol sc 78 Political Science The congress in Power Ram sagar Misra Jnanada Prakashan 1976 2nd Edition AL60E
3532 POLSC663 pol sc 630 Political Science Poltical thinkers Dr.Pukhraj Jain Sahitya Bhawan 1990 2nd Edition AL60E
3533 POLSC664 pol sc 152 Political Science Bihar Rajpal ka Abhibhasan Ramasray Prasad Singh Sansadiya karya Vibhag 1947 3rd Edition AL60E
3534 POLSC665 pol sc 472 Political Science Wala E.lelin ki rachana Sarvhara Kranti Aur Addar Kausaki Ramasray Prasad Singh Pragati pakashan 1990 3rd Edition AL60E
3535 POLSC666 pol sc 483 Political Science Scientific Communism Ram sagar Misra Progress Publisers 1990 2nd Edition AL60F
3536 POLSC667 pol sc 470 Political Science Soviyat sangh ka Naya Sanvidhan Ramasray Prasad Singh Sansadiya karya Vibhag 1980 1st Edition AL60F
3537 POLSC668 pol sc 59 Political Science The Judgement Kuldip Vikash Publishing 1977 1st Edition AL60F
3538 POLSC669 pol sc 339 Political Science Century of tribal Politics In North east India V.Venkata Rao S.chandra and Company 1976 1st Edition AL60F
3539 POLSC670 pol sc 131 Political Science Principles of poltical science Anup Chandra Kkapur S.chandra and Company 1977 2nd Edition AL60F
3540 POLSC671 pol sc 510 Political Science Indian Constitution and Poltics Gandhi Ray Bharati Bhawan 1987 2nd Edition AL60F
3541 POLSC672 pol sc 150 Political Science Origin and Development of Bihar Legislature Radha Nandan jha Bihar Bidhan Sabha 1982 2nd Edition AL60F
3542 POLSC673 pol sc 278 Political Science Bharat ke sanvadhanic Vikash ka Etihas ttha Gantrant ka Savidhan K.K.Kulshesth Ratan Prakashan Mandir 1982 2nd Edition AL60F
3543 POLSC674 pol sc 505 Political Science twelfth night or what you will Dr.B.B.Jain Ratan Prakashan Mandir 1983 2nd Edition AL60F
3544 POLSC575 pol sc 590 Political Science Political Sociology Dr.Dharm Veer Rajsthan Hindi Granth Akadmi 1983 3rd Edition AL60B
3545 POLSC576 pol sc 883 Political Science Western Political Thinkers Om Prakash Gaba Mayur Paperbaksh 2002 3rd Edition AL60B
3546 POLSC577 pol sc 377 Political Science Prakh Rajnitik Chintak Dr.Brajkishor Jha Bihar Hindi Granth Akadami 1981 2nd Edition AL60B
3547 POLSC578 pol sc 613 Political Science Prakh Rajnitik Chintak Dr.Brajkishor Jha Bihar Hindi Granth Akadami 1981 2nd Edition AL60B
3548 POLSC579 pol sc 430 Political Science Postawar International Politics Deva Narayan Mallik Veena Mandeer Publishers 1973 2nd Edition AL60B
3549 POLSC580 pol sc 542 Political Science The Politics of America Democracy Marin D.Irish Press Reports 1980 1st Edition AL60B
3550 POLSC581 pol sc 429 Political Science Postawar International Politics Deva Narayan Mallik Veena Mandeer Publishers 1973 1st Edition AL60B
3551 POLSC582 pol sc 27 Political Science Visswa ke Pramukh Sanvidhan Harihar Prasad Ray Bharti Bhawan 1964 2nd Edition AL60B
3552 POLSC583 pol sc 585 Political Science Lok Prasasan Sidhant & Wyawhar Dr.Mahadev Prasad Sharma Kitab Manch 1971 11th Edition AL60B
3553 POLSC584 pol sc 459 Political Science Comparative Government and Politics Institutions C.B.Gena Vanee Eduction Books 1978 4th Edition AL60B
3554 POLSC585 pol sc 338 Political Science How Indian Wrought For Freedom Annie Besant Michiko & Panjathan 1915 2nd Edition AL60B
3555 POLSC586 pol sc 108 Political Science Antrastriya sambandh Dr.Dinanath Verma Gyandra Prakashan 1963 11th Edition AL60B
3556 POLSC587 pol sc 311 Political Science The Encyclopaedia of the India National Congress Abdul Moid Zaidi S.chandra and Company 1980 1st Edition AL60B
3557 POLSC588 pol sc 115 Political Science Local Self Government in india Prof.Bameshwar Singh Rekha Prakashan 1663 2nd Edition AL60B
3558 POLSC589 pol sc 405 Political Science Relavence Of Gandhism Dr.Guru Prasad Chaudhary Capital Publishing House 1985 2nd Edition AL60B
3559 POLSC590 pol sc 491 Political Science Do Satabdiyo Do Lok Chinmohan Sehanvish Kitab Manch 1983 1st Edition AL60B
3560 POLSC591 pol sc 275 Political Science Bharat Ke savidhanik Vikash ka Etihash &Gantrantra ka savidhan K.K.Kulshesth Ratan Prakashan Mandir 1684 2nd Edition AL60B
3561 POLSC592 pol sc 49 Political Science Rajnitik Sidhant ke MulSidhant K.K.Kulshesth Ratan Prakashan Mandir 1980 2nd Edition AL60B
3562 POLSC593 pol sc 249 Political Science Aadhunik Visva ki Pramukhaya Shasan Pranaliya Prof. D.N.Gaind Ratan Prakashan Mandir 1654 2nd Edition AL60B
3563 POLSC594 pol sc 12 Political Science Bhartiya Shasan ki Ruprekha Dr.Dinanath Verma Bharat Book Dipo 1672 10th Edition AL60B
3564 POLSC595 pol sc 441 Political Science Army Action Punjab Sachchidanand Sinha Samta Era publication 1984 1st Edition AL60B
3565 POLSC596 pol sc 296 Political Science Main Constitutions Of The World D.N.Gaind Ratan Prakashan Mandir 1980 2nd Edition AL60B
3566 POLSC597 pol sc 740 Political Science Bharat me Sthaniya swashasan Bameshwar Singh Radha Pulications 2011 1st Edition AL60B
3567 POLSC598 pol sc 233 Political Science National Movement and the Constitution of Idia Dr.B.P.S.Raghuwanshi Ratan Prakashan Mandir 1684 1st Edition AL60C
3568 POLSC599 pol sc 661 Political Science Hamari Nyapalika balmukund Agrawal National Book Truth 1996 2nd Edition AL60C
3569 POLSC600 pol sc 349 Political Science land Revenue Administration in Orissa During the Nineteenth Century Krishnachandra Jena S.chandra and Company 1968 2nd Edition AL60C
3570 POLSC601 pol sc 286 Political Science Bharat Ke savidhanik Vikash ka Etihash &Gantrantra ka savidhan K.K.Kulshesth Ratan Prakashan Mandir 1684 2nd Edition AL60C
3571 POLSC602 pol sc 466 Political Science Paschateya Raj Chintan Rajeswar Pandey Lok Prakashan 1983 2nd Edition AL60C
3572 POLSC603 pol sc 465 Political Science Paschateya Raj Chintan Rajeswar Pandey Lok Prakashan 1983 2nd Edition AL60C
3573 POLSC604 pol sc 462 Political Science Paschateya Raj Chintan Rajeswar Pandey Lok Prakashan 1983 2nd Edition AL60C
3574 POLSC605 pol sc 747 Political Science Sansad Sansad Aur Sarvoch Nyalay Dr Basantilal Babel Rajsthan Hindi Granth Akadmi 1997 2nd Edition AL60C
3575 POLSC606 pol sc 548 Political Science Bhartiya asthaniya swashasan Chetkar Jha Novelty and Company 1691 10th Edition AL60C
3576 POLSC607 pol sc 293 Political Science Bharat Ke savidhanik Vikash ka Etihash &Gantrantra ka savidhan K.K.Kulshesth Ratan Prakashan Mandir 1684 2nd Edition AL60C
3577 POLSC608 pol sc 43 Political Science Bharat ke vitiya sashan Wyawstha Hari Gopal pranjape Kendriy Hindi Nirdesalay 1963 1st Edition AL60C
3578 POLSC609 pol sc 93 Political Science The Constitution of the people Repblic of China Dr.Birkswar Prasad Singh Gyandra Prakashan 1977 1st Edition AL60C
3579 POLSC610 pol sc 324 Political Science The Encyclopaedia of the India National Congress Abdul Moid Zaidi S.chandra and Company 1984 1st Edition AL60C
3580 POLSC611 pol sc 326 Political Science The Encyclopaedia of the India National Congress Abdul Moid Zaidi S.chandra and Company 1984 1st Edition AL60C
3581 POLSC612 pol sc 309 Political Science The Encyclopaedia of the India National Congress Abdul Moid Zaidi S.chandra and Company 1984 1st Edition AL60C
3582 POLSC613 pol sc 305 Political Science The Encyclopaedia of the India National Congress Abdul Moid Zaidi S.chandra and Company 1984 1st Edition AL60C
3583 POLSC614 pol sc 327 Political Science The Encyclopaedia of the India National Congress Abdul Moid Zaidi S.chandra and Company 1984 1st Edition AL60D
3584 POLSC615 pol sc 318 Political Science The Encyclopaedia of the India National Congress Abdul Moid Zaidi S.chandra and Company 1984 1st Edition AL60D
3585 POLSC616 pol sc 316 Political Science The Encyclopaedia of the India National Congress Abdul Moid Zaidi S.chandra and Company 1984 1st Edition AL60D
3586 POLSC617 pol sc 34 Political Science N.Book Mr.Churchill Grear Briten 1980 1st Edition AL60D
3587 POLSC618 pol sc 474 Political Science Rajnitik Gyan G.Sminirva Samajwadi Samajwadi samaj me Wyakatitwa Mr.Churchill Pragati pakashan 1977 1st Edition AL60D
3588 POLSC619 pol sc 475 Political Science Marks Agelaskrit Kamyunistha Ghosana patra B.Sajonov Pipuls Publications Hous PVT.LTD 1684 1st Edition AL60D
3589 POLSC620 pol sc 484 Political Science What is Dialectical Materialism Vassily Krapivin Progress Publisers 1985 2nd Edition AL60D
3590 POLSC621 pol sc 87 Political Science Bharatiya Shasan Pranali Dr.Birkswar Prasad Singh Gyandra Prakashan 1978 2nd Edition AL60D
3591 POLSC622 pol sc 68 Political Science Internatiol Organation Dr.Baikund nath shing Gyandra Prakashan 1977 2nd Edition AL60D
3592 POLSC623 pol sc 463 Political Science Pachchat Raj Chintan Rajeswar Pandey Lok Prakashan 1983 1st Edition AL60D
3593 POLSC624 pol sc 291 Political Science Bharat Ke savidhanik Vikash ka Etihash &Gantrantra ka savidhan K.K.Kulshesth Ratan Prakashan Mandir 1684 2nd Edition AL60D
3594 POLSC525 Pol Sc 407 Political Science Indian and non alignment Sita Gopalan Spick And Span Publishers 1986 1st Edition AL60A
3595 POLSC526 Pol Sc 631 Political Science Poltical thinkers Dr.Pukhraj Jain Sahitya Bhawan 1998 2nd Edition AL60A
3596 POLSC527 Pol Sc 478 Political Science Rajnitik Sidhanto ka Etihas Rush aur Jarmani Budhi Prasad Bhat Pipuls Publications Hous PVT.LTD 1999 2nd Edition AL60A
3597 POLSC528 Pol Sc 720 Political Science Pollticeconomics Bikeswar Prasad Singh Bharti Bhawan 1999 2nd Edition AL60A
3598 POLSC529 Pol Sc 121 Political Science Public Administration In Theory and Practic Late Dr.M.P.sharma Kitab Manch 1958 2nd Edition AL60A
3599 POLSC530 Pol Sc 701 Political Science Public Administration In Theory and Practic Bikeswar Prasad Singh Bharati Bhawan 1993 2nd Edition AL60A
3600 POLSC531 Pol Sc 724 Political Science Public Administration Prof.S.R.Maheshwari Laxmi narayan agrawal Agra 1966 2nd Edition AL60A