Library OPAC

Sl. No Acc No Cat. No Subject Title Author1 Publisher Year of Publication Edition Location
3401 POLSC732 pol sc 1176 Political Science Principles of poltical science Pukharaj Jain S.B.P.D. Publication 1st Edition AL60H
3402 POLSC733 pol sc 1175 Political Science Principles of poltical science Pukharaj Jain S.B.P.D. Publication 1st Edition AL60H
3403 POLSC734 pol sc 1174 Political Science Principles of poltical science Pukharaj Jain S.B.P.D. Publication 1st Edition AL60H
3404 POLSC735 pol sc 1181 Political Science Principles of poltical science Pukharaj Jain S.B.P.D. Publication 1st Edition AL60H
3405 POLSC736 pol sc 1180 Political Science Principles of poltical science Pukharaj Jain S.B.P.D. Publication 1st Edition AL60H
3406 POLSC737 pol sc 1179 Political Science Principles of poltical science Pukharaj Jain S.B.P.D. Publication 1st Edition AL60H
3407 POLSC738 pol sc 1004 Political Science Principles of poltical science Pukharaj Jain S.B.P.D. Publication 1995 2nd Edition AL60H
3408 POLSC739 pol sc 872 Political Science Bharat ki Rajvyawsha M.Lakshikant Tata Macgrow Hill Edution 2000 2nd Edition AL60H
3409 POLSC740 pol sc 1164 Political Science Poltical Science J.C Jauhari S.B.P.D. Publication 1st Edition AL60H
3410 POLSC741 pol sc 1166 Political Science Poltical Science J.C Jauhari S.B.P.D. Publication 1st Edition AL60H
3411 POLSC742 pol sc 1167 Political Science Poltical Science J.C Jauhari S.B.P.D. Publication 1st Edition AL60H
3412 POLSC743 pol sc 1165 Political Science Poltical Science J.C Jauhari S.B.P.D. Publication 1st Edition AL60H
3413 POLSC744 pol sc 1163 Political Science Poltical Science J.C Jauhari S.B.P.D. Publication 1st Edition AL60H
3414 POLSC745 pol sc 63 Political Science Comparative Government and Politics Dr.Pukhraj Jain Sahitya Bhawan 1986 2nd Edition AL60I
3415 POLSC746 pol sc 687 Political Science An Introduction To The Consititution Of India Prof.M.V.Payali Vikash Publishing 1996 2nd Edition AL60I
3416 POLSC747 pol sc 998 Political Science Principles of poltical science Pukharaj Jain S.B.P.D. Publication 2011 1st Edition AL60I
3417 POLSC748 pol sc 28 Political Science Constitution Government of India M.V.Pylee Asia Publishing House 1968 8th Edition AL60I
3418 POLSC749 pol sc 314 Political Science The Encyclopaedia of the India National Congress A.M.Zaidi S.chandra and Company 1980 2nd Edition AL60I
3419 POLSC750 pol sc 23 Political Science Nagrik Sastra ke Dr.Dinanath Verma Bhrat Book Dipo 1976 1st Edition AL60I
3420 POLSC751 pol sc 50 Political Science Economics J.C Jauhari S.B.P.D. Publication 1980 2nd Edition AL60I
3421 POLSC752 pol sc 464 Political Science Pachchat Raj Chintan Rajeswar Pandey Lok Prakashan 1983 2nd Edition AL60I
3422 POLSC753 pol sc 158 Political Science Nepal ka savidhan Dr.Birkswar Prasad Singh Gyandra Prakashan 1966 4th Edition AL60I
3423 POLSC754 pol sc 543 Political Science The Socilogy of the Palestinins Khalil Nakhlesh Croom Helm 1st Edition AL60I
3424 POLSC755 pol sc 1013 Political Science Principles of poltical science Pukharaj Jain S.B.P.D publications 2007 1st Edition AL60I
3425 POLSC756 pol sc 498 Political Science Brahamvaivatpuran me Samaj & Dharm Prasant Gaurav Novelty and Company 2007 1st Edition AL60I
3426 POLSC757 pol sc 437 Political Science Fifty Years of Sicialist Movement in India G.K.C.Reddy Samata Era Publication 1984 1st Edition AL60I
3427 POLSC758 pol sc 68 Political Science Prinviple of Diplomecy Dr.Gandhi Ray Bharti Bhawan 1978 2nd Edition AL60I
3428 POLSC759 pol sc 829 Political Science Poltical Theory Gandhi Ray Bharti Bhawan 1994 2nd Edition AL60I
3429 POLSC760 pol sc 44 Political Science Comparative Government and Politics Dr.Haridwar Ray Bharati Bhawan 1977 2nd Edition AL60I
3430 POLSC761 pol sc 683 Political Science Comparative Government And Politics Gandhi Ray Bharati Bhawan 1193 2nd Edition AL60I
3431 POLSC762 pol sc 300 Political Science Main Constitutions Of The World D.N.Gaind Ratan Prakashan Mandir 1980 2nd Edition AL60I
3432 POLSC763 pol sc 207 Political Science Rajniti shastra ke Mul Sidhant Dr.Ekbal Narayan Ratan Prakashan Mandir 1984 2nd Edition AL60I
3433 POLSC764 pol sc 163 Political Science Basic Principle of Poltical Science Dr.Gandhi Ray Bharati Bhawan 1983 1st Edition AL60I
3434 POLSC765 pol sc 708 Political Science Rajnitik Vichardhara Dr.Birkswar Prasad Singh Students & Friendspublisher 1995 2nd Edition AL60I
3435 POLSC766 pol sc 550 Political Science Bhartiay Sthaniya Swashashan Chetkar Jha Novelty and Company 1971 2nd Edition AL60I
3436 POLSC767 pol sc 518 Political Science Tulnatamak Sarkar aur Rajniti Dr.Haridwar Ray Bharati Bhawan 1966 2nd Edition AL60I
3437 POLSC768 pol sc 861 Political Science Comparative Government and Politics Gandhi Ray Bharati Bhawan 1993 2nd Edition AL60I
3438 POLSC769 pol sc 497 Political Science Politics Theory Dr.Gandhi Ray Bharati Bhawan 1986 1st Edition AL60I
3439 POLSC770 pol sc 100 Political Science Visswa ke Pramukh Sanvidhan Dr.Gandhi Ray Bharati Bhawan 1980 2nd Edition AL60I
3440 POLSC771 pol sc 188 Political Science Rajniti Sastra ke mul Sidhant Ekbal Narayan Ratan Prakashan Mandir 1985 1st Edition AL60I
3441 POLSC772 pol sc 565 Political Science Lok Prasashan Ram Ranvijay Prasad Singh Vanee Eduction Books 1987 2nd Edition AL60I
3442 POLSC773 pol sc 204 Political Science Rajniti Sastra ke mul Sidhant Dr.Ekbal Narayan Ratan Prakashan Mandir 1984 2nd Edition AL60I
3443 POLSC774 pol sc 636 Political Science Pramukh Raj Chintak Dr.Brajkishor Jha Bihar Hindi Granth Akadami 1979 4th Edition AL60I
3444 POLSC675 pol sc 1320 Political Science Self instruction in English Grammar Dr.K.S.Joseph Anmol Pblication 1994 5th Edition AL60F
3445 POLSC676 pol sc 336 Political Science The Annual Register of Indian Poltical Parties Dr.Abdul Moid Zaidi S.chandra and Company 1979 2nd Edition AL60F
3446 POLSC677 pol sc 5 Political Science Nepal ka savidhan Dr.Birkswar Prasad Singh Gyandra Prakashan 1966 4th Edition AL60F
3447 POLSC678 pol sc 264 Political Science Modern Political Ideologies R.L.Singh Ratan Prakashan Mandir 1963 2nd Edition AL60F
3448 POLSC679 pol sc 145 Political Science International Politics Vijay Kr Aarora Sarswati sadan 1890 10th Edition AL60F
3449 POLSC680 pol sc 357 Political Science Rural Sociology In India A.R.Desai Polular Prakashan 1938 10th Edition AL60F
3450 POLSC681 pol sc 461 Political Science Comparative Government and Politics Institutions C.B.Gena Vikash Publishing 1978 1st Edition AL60G
3451 POLSC682 pol sc 124 Political Science Janwadi chin ka Savidhan S.N.Singh Manisha 1975 1st Edition AL60G
3452 POLSC683 pol sc 794 Political Science Poltical Theory Dr.Suresh Chandra Singal Laxmi narayan agrawal Agra 2002 1st Edition AL60G
3453 POLSC684 pol sc 46 Political Science Lelinon State And Democracy A.Spirkin Novosti Press Agency 1970 3rd Edition AL60G
3454 POLSC685 pol sc 541 Political Science The theory And Practice of African Politics Christin P.Pholm Pentis Holl 1978 2nd Edition AL60G
3455 POLSC686 Pol sc 423 Political Science Gandhi Neharu & J.P Bimal Prasad Chankya Publications 1985 1st Edition AL60G
3456 POLSC687 pol sc 800 Political Science Polical Theory Dr.Suresh Chandra Singal Laxmi narayan agrawal Agra 2002 1st Edition AL60G
3457 POLSC688 pol sc 231 Political Science National Movement and the Constitution of Idia Dr.B.P.S.Raghuwanshi Ratan Prakashan Mandir 1682 1st Edition AL60G
3458 POLSC689 pol sc 298 Political Science Main Constitutions Of The World D.N.Gaind Ratan Prakashan Mandir 1984 2nd Edition AL60G
3459 POLSC690 pol sc 812 Political Science Polical Theory Dr.Suresh Chandra Singal Laxmi narayan agrawal Agra 2002 1st Edition AL60G
3460 POLSC691 pol sc 269 Political Science Public Administration Theory & Practical R.L.Singh Ratan Prakashan Mandir 1966 5th Edition AL60G
3461 POLSC692 pol sc 171 Political Science Comparative Politisc And Political Institutions C.B.Gena Vikash Publishing 1978 3rd Edition AL60G
3462 POLSC693 pol sc 130 Political Science Visswa ke Pramukh Sanvidhan Harahar Prasad Ray Bharati Bhawan 1676 2nd Edition AL60G
3463 POLSC694 pol sc 457 Political Science Comparative Politisc And Political Institutions C.B.Gena Wani Eduction Books 1978 4th Edition AL60G
3464 POLSC695 pol sc 712 Political Science Bhrat ki Rajnitik wyawstha Dr.J.R.Sivach Sahtya Hindi Akadami 1992 1st Edition AL60G
3465 POLSC696 pol sc 428 Political Science Postawar International Politics Deva Narayan Mallik Veena Mandeer Publishers 1973 1st Edition AL60G
3466 POLSC697 pol sc 49 Political Science Bhartiya andolan & SanvidhanikVikash Dinanath Varma Bharti Bhawan 1977 10th Edition AL60G
3467 POLSC698 pol sc 58 Political Science Bhartiya Rastrya Aandolan awam Sanvadhanik Vikash Gandhi Ray Bharati Bhawan 1679 5th Edition AL60G
3468 POLSC699 pol sc 54 Political Science Poltical Science Gandhi Ray Bharati Bhawan 1980 2nd Edition AL60G
3469 POLSC700 pol sc 133 Political Science The Indian Poltical System Anup Chandra Kkapur S.chandra and Company 1980 2nd Edition AL60G
3470 POLSC701 pol sc 92 Political Science The Constitution of the people Repblic of China Dr.Birkswar Prasad Singh Gyandra Prakashan 1977 2nd Edition AL60G
3471 POLSC702 pol sc 549 Political Science Bhartiya Sthaniya Swashasan Chetkar Jha Novelty and Company 1671 2nd Edition AL60G
3472 POLSC703 pol sc 439 Political Science Pachchat Raj Chintan Rajeswar Pandey Lok Prakashan 1983 2nd Edition AL60G
3473 POLSC704 pol sc 27 Political Science Rajniti shastra ke Mul Sidhant Rajeswar Pandey Lok Prakashan 1980 3rd Edition AL60G
3474 POLSC705 pol sc 153 Political Science Understanding L.A. Richards Principales of Literary Criticism Kalika ranjan Chatter Jee Orient Clube Lane Amgola 1985 2nd Edition AL60G
3475 POLSC706 pol sc 431 Political Science Bharatiya Sthaniya swashasan Chetkar Jha Novelty and Company 1971 2nd Edition AL60G
3476 POLSC707 pol sc 215 Political Science Bhartiya Sthaniya Swashasan Chetkar Jha Novelty and Company 1671 2nd Edition AL60G
3477 POLSC708 pol sc 436 Political Science Modern Poltical Theory S.P.Varma Vikash Publishing 1985 2nd Edition AL60G
3478 POLSC709 pol sc 818 Political Science Comparetive Poltics Politics And poltical Institions C.B.Gena Vikash Publishing 1978 1st Edition AL60G
3479 POLSC710 pol sc 808 Political Science Poltical Theory Dr.Suresh Chandra Singal Laxmi narayan agrawal Agra 2002 2nd Edition AL60G
3480 POLSC711 pol sc 382 Political Science Aantrastriya sambandh Hargovind pant Rajsthan Hindi Granth Akadmi 1980 3rd Edition AL60G
3481 POLSC712 pol sc 511 Political Science Indian Constitution and Poltics Gandhi Ray Bharati Bhawan 1987 2nd Edition AL60G
3482 POLSC713 pol sc 222 Political Science Rajnitik Sastra ke Mul Sidhant Ekbal Narayan Ratan Prakashan Mandir 1984 2nd Edition AL60H
3483 POLSC714 pol sc 516 Political Science Comparrative Government and politics Dr.Haridwar Ray Bharati Bhawan 1677 5th Edition AL60H
3484 POLSC715 pol sc 174 Political Science Administrative System of The Rajputs Gian chandra Sharma Rajesh Publication 1979 2nd Edition AL60H
3485 POLSC716 pol sc 178 Political Science Princely States And The Paramount Power Mahir Kr Ray Rajesh Publication 1981 2nd Edition AL60H
3486 POLSC717 pol sc 191 Political Science Rajnitik Sastra Gian chandra Sharma Rajesh Publication 1979 2nd Edition AL60H
3487 POLSC718 pol sc 547 Political Science Bhratiya Sthanitya Swashashan Chetkar Jha Novelty and Company 1691 2nd Edition AL60H
3488 POLSC719 pol sc 1188 Political Science International Politics Dr.J.C.Jauhari S.B.P.D. Publication 1st Edition AL60H
3489 POLSC720 pol sc 1189 Political Science International Politics Dr.J.C.Jauhari S.B.P.D. Publication 1st Edition AL60H
3490 POLSC721 pol sc 1190 Political Science International Politics Dr.J.C.Jauhari S.B.P.D. Publication 1st Edition AL60H
3491 POLSC722 pol sc 1191 Political Science International Politics Dr.J.C.Jauhari S.B.P.D. Publication 1st Edition AL60H
3492 POLSC723 pol sc 1182 Political Science International Politics Dr.J.C.Jauhari S.B.P.D. Publication 1st Edition AL60H
3493 POLSC724 pol sc 1183 Political Science International Politics Dr.J.C.Jauhari S.B.P.D. Publication 1st Edition AL60H
3494 POLSC625 pol sc 288 Political Science Bharat Ke savidhanik Vikash ka Etihash &Gantrantra ka savidhan K.K.Kulshesth Ratan Prakashan Mandir 1684 2nd Edition AL60D
3495 POLSC626 pol sc 378 Political Science Pramukh Rajnitik Chintak Dr.Brajkishor Jha Bihar Hindi Granth Akadami 1981 1st Edition AL60D
3496 POLSC627 pol sc 717 Political Science Lok Prasasan Sidhant & Wyawhar Prof. S.C.Mehata Rajsthan Hindi Granth Akadmi 1989 2nd Edition AL60D
3497 POLSC628 pol sc 7 Political Science Poltocal Science and Government Jamesh Wilford Garner The World Press 1951 2nd Edition AL60D
3498 POLSC629 pol sc 84 Political Science Bhartiya Shasan Pranali Bikeswar Prasad Singh Gyandra Prakashan 1978 2nd Edition AL60D
3499 POLSC630 pol sc 675 Political Science Bhartiya Shasan Pranali Gandhi Ray Bharti Bhawan 1993 1st Edition AL60D
3500 POLSC631 pol sc 356 Political Science Prison Administration in India Vidya Bhushan S.chandra and Company 1980 2nd Edition AL60D